Saturday, August 23, 2008

University of Illinois To Release Annenberg Documents

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the University of Illinois is releasing its documents relating to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which could provide insight into the relationship between Sen. Barack Obama and unrepentant anti-American terrorist Bill Ayers.

The problem is that they never exactly said in what form the document release would take place:
Image via

I know that many folks are concerned that the delay in the release may mean that sensitive documents that show just how closely tied together Ayers and Obama would be scrubbed, but I think that it would be impossible to do a thorough scrubbing - there would still be enough hints at a close relationship that Obama's problems are not over. The fact is that the University's actions raised suspicions over what the database and repository of information held on Obama and Ayers. Besides correspondence, it is possible that there were financial records that shed light on how the organization functioned and who received monies and how.

Obama has never come clean on his true relationship with Ayers, how Obama got his start in politics at the feet of Ayers. Ayers is on the record as saying that his terrorist pals in the Weather Underground didn't go far enough, and wished to see their plans carried out.

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