Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spaced Invaders

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Space Invaders - a classic arcade game that I've played far too many times to count. Yet, some "artist" decided that the time was right to create a version that depicts the aliens taking out the World Trade Center.

The video is complete with jumpers and the buildings taking damage.

I concur with the initial reaction, but this is a family blog, so I'll let you head over to the source and read for yourself.

It's a piece of "art" according to the creator, French-American artist Douglas Edric Stanley, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the game:
In his interactive large installation, the players must prevent the catastrophe by controlling the well- known cannon at the lower screen border with their bodies and firing it using arm movements. Like the original, this trial is ultimately unsuccessful, thus creating an articulated and critical commentary about the current war strategy. In this regard, Douglas Edric Stanley sees Space Invaders as “a social tale that can be related to historical tales without losing its poetic power” (D.E. Stanley).
So, what's the message? The best way to win is not play - or the real world equivalent of giving up without a fight?

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