Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nothing Stealthy About Obama's Radical Leftism

The New York Times is attempting to discredit a soon to be released book about Sen. Barack Obama and his radical leftist ties, and uses the leftist organization Media Matters to do so, even though Media Matters is a liberal organization whose own agenda gets hidden by the Times.

Here's the thing. Despite the Times attempting to discredit Corsi's book, the facts are indisputable. He is a radical leftist, but is using words like hope and change to thinly cover his clear leftist agenda.

Sen. Barack Obama sought out friendships with the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, unrepentant terrorists who, as members of the Weather Underground, sought to attack the US government, approved of terrorist attacks, and remain unrepentant to this day about their positions to overthrow the government and impose their radical left visions.

That isn't to say that Obama's ties to the Weather Underground are unique. He's forged ties with pro-Palestinian terrorist apologists like Khalid Rashidi.

Obama sought out and remained member in Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church, despite his radical leftist sentiment and hate-America first routines.

Those friendships and associations shed light onto what shaped Obama's worldview, and while he dresses up his positions in the comfortable terms of hope and change, his tax and spend policies belie his true intentions.

Windfall profits taxes are inherently a hard leftist invention. It is the massive redistribution of wealth from those groups and individuals who are not favored to others. In this case, Obama seeks to take the wealth created by oil companies and tax that wealth at a level even higher than it already does in order to give a fraction of that amount back to taxpayers. Obama's failure of economics 101 can be clearly shown given that he fails to understand that taking money from oil companies to give to taxpayers will not reduce the price of energy, but rather increase the costs, and it will further cause inflationary pressures because the energy costs will be passed on to the taxpayers who will lose whatever buying power is given by the government in the form of that handout.

The Times says that the book is full of lies and smears, though we're waiting to see what those lies and smears are. Obama hasn't been forthright on his ties to terrorists; he's misled people over his longstanding presence at Wright's church, and wholly embraces hard leftist economic policies. Government solutions for all that ails the nation - whether it is government health care, energy, and the use of taxes to redistribute wealth.

It's on that latter point that there can be no question as to his intent or his politics. He is a hard leftist.

Tom Maguire, in responding to Instapundit's query on what other stories the media is sitting on or not covering in this election cycle, notes Obama's ties to Bill Ayers. They stretch on past what Obama has admitted (meeting in 1995) and goes back to Obama's roots as a Chicago street organizer (1987). That's a pretty big discrepancy that you'd think would alert an intrepid reporter to check on. If there's nothing there, fine. However, if there's more to the story, don't you think we should know about Obama's ties to an unrepentant anti-American terrorist?

Jerome Corsi, the author of the aforementioned book, is definitely a flawed guy. For starters, he's a 9/11 troofer who has made the 9/11 conspiracy mongering circuit.

However, that shouldn't take away from the well documented links between Obama and Ayers and the other leftists in his background. It just means that you should give Corsi a wider berth.

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