Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Promises They Wont Keep: UPDATE: Joke On Us

Yet another Hollywood actor has come forward promising to leave the country if their preferred politician doesn't become President in November. This time, it's Alec Baldwin's brother Stephen who claims he'll leave if Sen. Barack Obama wins in November.
Well, his actor brother Stephen is a Republican. He says he doesn't understand why Americans care about celebrity endorsements.

But today he did make the same self-exile vow if Democrat Barack Obama is elected. The Ticket would never point out there are certain tax advantages to living abroad, not that that would ever figure into a wealthy celebrity's residential decisions.
Recall that Alec said he'd leave if President Bush won. He didn't. He wasn't the only Hollywood actor or actress to make that claim. And all of them still managed to stick around the States.

When will these Hollywood types learn that we simply don't care about their politics. Shut up and act (if they can). (HT: anonymous emailer)

Here's the video in question. Note the video about 1:15 left. Baldwin crosses his finger. This is clearly a joke. And it's on all those other Hollywood types who complain that they'll leave the US if they don't have their politician elected.

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