Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Moment of Clarity From the European Union?

Now here's a switch. The European Union has announced that they are pushing for a unity government in Zimbabwe led by Morgan Tsvangirai. Indeed, the current President of the EU, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, said that they would recognize only Tsvangirai as leader of Zimbabwe.
The European Union will only accept a Zimbabwe government led by Morgan Tsvangirai, says French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner as Europe prepared to step up sanctions against President Robert Mugabe.

The EU, on the first day of France's rotating presidency, took a tough stance on Mugabe, with Kouchner telling France 2 public television that Brussels "will not accept a government other than one led by Mr Tsvangirai".

"The French presidency, along with the (European) Commission, is clear: the government is illegitimate if it isn't led by opposition leader Mr Tsvangirai," Kouchner said.
Of course, Mugabe continues to reject any call for a unity government or power sharing agreement. Mugabe considers Tsvangirai to be nothing more than a tool of the West.

Let's not forget what Mugabe has done. He's singlehandedly destroyed the Zimbabwean economy. The inflation rate is over 1 million percent. The Zimbabwean currency is worthless. Unemployment is above 80%. Starvation and crushing poverty dominate. Those who could afford to flee the country have already done so. Those that remain are under Mugabe's totalitarian grip as he's manipulated the election results and prevented open and free elections.

Make that inflation rate over 2 million percent. Not that it means anything when there's no products on shelves to buy. And the German company who was providing the paper on which to print that worthless currency is going to stop providing it after being pressured to cease relations with Zimbabwe.

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