Monday, July 21, 2008

Feel Sorry For the Kid, Not the Parents

There's a story out of New York City that's making waves about how a youngster was seriously burned after playing on a New York City playground. He was walking around barefoot and was seriously burned on his feet after walking across the black rubber mats that are designed to limit injuries in falls from playground equipment.

The kid had to spend several days in a hospital for his injuries, and the family is now looking to cash in against the City.

Sorry, but this is no one's fault except the parents.

The child should never have been walking around barefoot in the park in the first place. On hot days, the ground will be extremely hot, and the black rubber mats especially so. That should be common sense. The Parks Department has notices posted that people should not walk barefoot.

Yet, the family thinks that the City owes a greater responsibility and should remove the mats or replace them with something else?

I don't buy it.

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