Monday, June 09, 2008

Is Race Really Going To Determine 2008 Presidential Campaign?

Is race going to determine the 2008 presidential campaign?

That's the big question for pundits, pollsters, and bloggers.

Since I fall into that last category, I can only speak for myself. I could care less what color the candidates skin tone is. However, I see plenty of red in Obama's policy pronouncements and speeches. Higher taxes, more spending, and government intrusion and distortion of the marketplace. His position on foreign policy, which boils down to rehashed global tests and appeasement, if you can catch him long enough before he spins and waffles, is odious. His demands for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq in haste are signs that he either fails to understand the repercussions of such moves, or could care less what happens to Iraq, to say nothing of what happens to US prestige or US security interests around the world along with our alliances and potential alliances in the future. His statements on the Middle East, Israel, and Jerusalem in particular show that he cannot be trusted.

Obama seems to completely lack an understanding of the concept of jihad and the war against the US and the West. The jihadists have declared war on the US, and have done so for years before the US finally decided to fight back in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. He seems to forget or ignore that a small group of terrorists were able to attack the US and kill nearly 3,000 people in the blink of an eye, and it doesn't take a large country to carry out attacks that have such devastating outcomes.

His calls to defund missile defense systems and to gut the military show he has little understanding of what present and future security needs for the nation are.

Obama would rather trust Rep. John Murtha on the Haditha incident, rather than give the Marines charged in that incident the constitutional protections afforded them.

He would rather make asinine comments about being able to stop rising sea levels and cure all those who are sick.

Those are not only red flags, but signature elements of a socialist bent that goes back to Obama's political leanings, friends, and associates.

And we're not even going to get into his gaffes, that would make former VP Dan Quayle blush.

Obama once again calls for higher taxes, even as he calls for a $1,000 tax break for "working families". You mean to tell me that some folks who are working aren't going to get those tax breaks? That's class warfare in a nutshell. People who have made money via capitalism are seen as a government piggy bank that the government can tax as it wishes.

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