Sunday, June 01, 2008


Someone in Australia has way too much time on their hands spending crucial power and computer time on indoctrinating kids. Get to figure out when you'll die based on answering questions about your spending habits for the environment.

If you don't answer any of the questions, and stick with the defaults, it suggests that you'll have used up your share of the world's energy at age 9.6.

Ponder that a moment. It assumes a closed system, no technological changes, and that efficiencies will not improve. It is scare mongering at best - all designed to get kids to think that improving their lives is incompatible with the environment.

What kind of message does that send them?

The tricks to this nonsense? Well, if you spend a lot during the year, you turn into an energy pig. However, if you spend ethically, you can end up with negative emissions - in other words, you carbon tithe your way to living forever.

HT: Gabriel Malor at Ace

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