Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another One Rides Under the Bus

Bus and Driver - Obama edition, geepers (c) 2008Hello Scarlett Johansson. You are officially thrown under the bus. You claimed that you received multiple emails from Obama, but it turns out that you received only one, and that was after her email to the general campaign email was forwarded by a staffer:
speaking to reporters aboard his campaign plane, Obama said the actress doesn't have his personal email address. "She sent one email to Reggie, who forwarded it to me," Obama said, referring to his 26-year-old personal assistant, Reggie Love. "I write saying, 'thank you Scarlett for doing what you do,' and suddenly we have this email relationship"
Well, Hollywood starlets do have an oversized sense of importance and Obama's smackdown was probably well deserved.

Still, it rates an issue of bus and driver because no one is safe.

I've checked up on the backstory here, and Johansson's brother Hunter works for the Obama campaign, but Politico reported that she claimed to have received a number of emails from Obama directly:
She e-mailed him after some of the Democratic debates, offering her thoughts on his messages and performance. “After the silliness of the last ABC debate,” she says of the highly criticized event co-hosted by Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, she wrote to congratulate him on “holding his ground.”

His replies have been thoughtful, she says, more than a brief line or two; on the ABC debate, he responded that the questioning was “difficult” and he was being pounded on “one silly question after another.”

Johansson is somewhat shocked that he keeps up their back-and-forth correspondence. “You’d imagine that someone like the senator who is constantly traveling and constantly ‘on’ — how can he return these personal e-mails?” she asks. “But he does, and in his off-time I know he also calls people who have donated the minimum to thank them. Nobody sees it, nobody talks about it, but it’s incredible.” She adds, “I feel like I’m supporting someone, and having a personal dialogue with them, and it’s amazing.”
Sorry anonymous emailer and Mrs. Lawhawk, but you're both wrong on your emails relating to this. Scarlett made the claims about receiving multiple emails. Under the bus she goes.

Too bad, since she's definitely the prettiest recipient of Bus and Driver to date.

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