Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Disembodied Voice Speaks Again

Once again, someone released another audio of Osama online, and this time, he's railing on Arabs. It's no wonder really. Iraqi military units have been real busy of late, and yet another disembodied voice from the great beyond called in - and vented his spleen about the great jihad and liberation from the Arabs. Funny, but Iraq must not have worked out for him to keep hammering away on the Palestinian issue, don't you think?

It's quite telling - he's changed the goalposts, away from Iraq, to the Palestinians where that's his last hope for jihad. His audio handlers might be trying to instigate something against the Egyptians, and they might try another breach/invasion again. Still, that's not exactly defeating the Israelis and throwing them into the sea.

Iraqis are busy rolling up insurgents on their own now, including al Qaeda thugs, and the jihad there has gone disastrously for al Qaeda. They're forced to look back to their earlier safe haven along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border and hoping that they might be able to spring something in Gaza.

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