Sunday, April 20, 2008

Obama: You Can't Swift Boat Me

Sen. Barack Obama has said that you can't swift boat him and allow his opponents define him:
The Obama campaign is planning to expand its research and rapid-response team in order to repel attacks it anticipates over his ties to 1960s radical Bill Ayers, indicted developer Antoin Rezko and other figures from his past. David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, tells NEWSWEEK that the Illinois senator won't let himself be "Swift Boated" like John Kerry in 2004.
That's a reference to those who questioned Sen. John Kerry's tall tales of exploits in the jungles of Vietnam and his record.

Funny thing though. For all of Kerry's protestations to the contrary, he failed to disprove any of the Swift Boaters statements. He could have sued for slander and libel (true, it's a very tough thing to do as a public figure, but if they were outright lies, still provable).

Kerry never filed suit. Kerry never released his military records. Nothing.

Now, Obama says he wont allow the same tactics be used against him.

I guess Obama thinks that he's impervious to questions and facts about his background.

Fair enough.

With a record that is truly as thin as his, Swift Boating is overkill.

Of course, Obama's got a busy slate as it is - dealing with the blowback from all of his connections and longstanding relationships to the likes of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, and Tony Rezko.

Thus far, Obama's crack team of first responders has completely whiffed at defending against the indefensible and risible relationships between Obama and Ayers, his decades long relationship with Wright, and the ongoing criminal case facing Rezko.

If this is his team's prevent defense against Swift Boating, I can't wait to see what's next.

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