Wednesday, April 09, 2008

New Version of Fitna Released; Cease and Desist Letters Pending?

Geert Wilders has released a revised edition of Fitna:

Compare that with the previous edition, which can be found in various formats here.

It now appears that Wilders is sending cease and desist letters to various bloggers who posted the original version, requesting that they take down the original version.
Dear Sir,

I ask your attention concerning the following.

The Foundation Friends of the PVV (Stichting Vrienden van de PVV, hereafter: “the Foundation”), has commissioned the film Fitna. This film was made public on Thursday the 27th of March, via the website Since that moment, a number of copyright owners of material used in this film have contacted me, requesting to stop publication of the film. These copyright owners claim that publication of the film is an infringement of their rights.

The Foundation has met the requirements of the copyright owners. The film has been removed from because of possible copyright infringement. As the media have already widely announced, the film has been altered.

Your website features the film Fitna. It concerns the following url:

Considering the abovementioned, your publication of the non-adapted version of the film may be unlawful. In order to prevent possible damage – of any sort – I request, and if necessary demand that you take all appropriate measures as soon as possible to remove the film Fitna from your website or prevent access to the film.

An adapted version of the film has been made available.

Yours sincerely,

G. Wilders

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