Monday, February 18, 2008

Will This Stop The Obamarama?

This story actually broke last night at Big Head DC's website, and it mushroomed from there. He's got the side by side video to compare the two and found them uncomfortably too similar to be coincidence. Hot Air points out that this is really old news, going back to 2007.

Still, if Obama got permission to use the language from Deval Patrick, it can't be considered plagiarism. It doesn't look or sound great, and it might give Hillary a short-lived bounce, but the end result will not be more than a blip in the news cycle.

Note that a plagiarism scandal never did take down Joe Biden, who has been a perennial presidential candidate for the Democrats. Indeed, he's still around - mucking up the Senate year after year.

Will Obama's camp claim that he got permission to use the phrases at issue or that one of his speechwriters simply didn't pay close enough attention to differentiate what he or she was writing from the original text?

Expect Hillary's people to begin attacking Obama relentlessly on this, even as the Clinton camp has failed to attack Obama for his stunning lack of actual achievement (probably because Clinton herself could succumb to the same line of questioning over actual achievement during her term in office).

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