Thursday, February 21, 2008

Editing Error?

The St. Louis Post Dispatch, who published an article by Tim Townsend that amounted to little more than a rehashing of a CAIR paid press release, has issued a correction to their original story:
Due to an editing error, a story in Wednesday's Metro section did not correctly describe those making online comments about the Islamic Community Center in St. Louis. The writer Kathi on the blog "Gateway Pundit" and writers Amer1can and Arthur E. Hippler on the blog "Little Green Footballs" had written comments on those blogs. They were not the authors of those blogs.
Nowhere did they mention that their intrepid reporter failed to contact any of the principles involved at LGF or Gateway Pundit for their version of events.

The facts remain that the St. Louis Post Dispatch failed its readers by not providing the whole story, or that its editors failed to recognize that Mr. Townsend essentially rehashed a CAIR press release as an article.

For more, see Charles at LGF, and my prior coverage here.

Also, note that I have not received a response to my email submitted yesterday and perusing the letters to the editor finds a curious lack of entries on the subject of Townsend's article.

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