Thursday, December 06, 2007

Omaha Mall Shooting Coverage

MSNBC headlines its website this morning with how the shooter was such a nice young man:
Mall gunman called ‘helpful young man’
He helped people alright.

He murdered eight people, and MSNBC leads with a headline on the shooter? What about the victims? They were nice people, who did nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a depressed and disgruntled teenager went on a shooting spree that ended when he took his own life.

CNN notes that in the shooter's suicide note, he said that he would become famous. Well, infamous is more like it.

FoxNews wonders what drove the shooter to commit a mass murder and commit suicide. They also report that the shooter's note said that he was sorry for everything.

The New York Times plays it straight on their website:
Gunman at an Omaha Mall Kills 8 and Himself
A gunman in camouflage and wielding a rifle opened fire in a mall crowded with holiday shoppers.

Drudge conflates his headline. He reports that "GUNMAN KILLS CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS; 9 DEAD AT MALL." The shooter murdered eight, and killed himself. Perhaps he's simply cribbing what the local media outlets were headlining - as they too conflate the murder victims with the murderer who took his own life in what is now the worst mass slaying in Nebraska history.
The worst mass slaying in Nebraska history claimed the lives of five men and three women, plus the shooter.

ABC News has confirmed with two sources that the gun used at Westroads Mall was an SKS-style assault rifle with two magazines taped together found at the scene. ABC reported that taping magazines together is a technique that allows the shooter to reload more quickly.

That may be why witnesses heard so many shots when Robert A. Hawkins, 20, opened fire on Wednesday afternoon.

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