Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Waterboarding Waterboarding

Something just doesn't smell right as people opposed to the act of waterboarding engage in waterboarding to demonstrate that it is torture. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that some of those Democrats who claim to oppose the technique because Attorney General nominee Mike Mukasey has refused to take an official position on the technique have not been so black and white about the issue in the past.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the technique has been used on only three people - including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was one of the key figures in plotting and approving the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

There's a whole lot of chatter about this technique, and yet those who condemn this are quick to show their dislike by demonstrating it on the steps of the Justice Department?

If it is so horrible, why put one of their own willing participants through it?

So much for Democrats standing in the way of the Mukasey nomination. He was passed out of committee and will be considered by the full Senate.
The committee voted 11-8 to send Mukasey's nomination to the Senate floor, where it is expected to be approved.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, said the full Senate would take up the nomination sometime next week.

Last week, a leading Democrat, speaking on condition of anonymity, conceded Mukasey's nomination likely would be confirmed if it emerged from the Judiciary Committee.
He's expected to be confirmed by the Senate and I would expect the final tally to be about 58-42. Part of the problem for Democrats was that one of their most liberal members, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, had suggested Mukasey to President Bush. Schumer has backed his nominee, along with Sen. Feinstein. However, presidential candidates Senators Obama, Clinton, and Biden all oppose Mukasey.

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