Thursday, November 01, 2007

Target Rich Environment

Whether it's Pakistan or Afghanistan, the Taliban and their Islamist buddies are taking a serious beating, which is as it should be.

That isn't to say that the Taliban or the Islamists are completely beaten or that they can't inflict serious casualties and cause problems for years to come.

They can.

Pakistan continues to waffle on how to best deal with the problem, and Musharraf's policy appears to change depending on which way the winds blow. Afghan forces, along with NATO and US forces, have been dealing the Taliban serious casualties, but unless the Taliban's safe havens and their money sources are eliminated, the problem will continue for a good long time to come.

This doesn't exactly inspire confidence in Pakistan either. Their military has performed well below expectations and is taking serious casualties, which might also explain why Musharraf is reluctant to commit to a long term strategy of defeating the Islamists - his military isn't up to the task, despite all the money spent on defense systems (and a nuclear program to boot!).

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