Thursday, September 20, 2007


It's been quite a while since any of us has ever seen a grouping of news stories that can provide headlines so ripe for punning.

Norman Hsu - who's nefarious activities and criminality span the coasts. He's accused of running a Ponzi scheme that bilked investors of $60 million, bundling millions of dollars for Democrats, including Hillary, Biden, Obama, the DSCC, and dozens of other Democrats across the country, and was a fugitive in California for leaving the country to avoid sentencing on a grand theft conviction.

Dan Rather - he's back in the news. Actually, he's the news as he's filed a $70 million lawsuit against CBS over the Rathergate mess and he and his lawyers still think that those bogus documents are fake but accurate.

Last, but not least, is the mother of all media salivations:

OJ Simpson.

Is this a great country or what?

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