Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Faulty Logic

Will someone tell me why Whoopi Goldberg wants to use the perverted logic that Michael Vick is somehow excused from his acts of dog fighting because it's Southern culture?
On her first day as "The View's" moderator, Goldberg made a big splash -- more like a big splat --playing apologist for confessed dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick's canine torturing, explaining that dogfighting was "part of his cultural upbringing."

Much to the obvious dismay of "View"-mates Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Goldberg suggested that Vick might not have known that he was doing a viciously horrific thing with his dogfighting ring. "You know, from his background, this is not an unusual thing for where he comes from," said the redundant Whoopi.

Not content to perpetuate stereotypes about Southerners and dogfighting, Goldberg also likened Vick and his outrage to the Chinese and eating cats. "People would not like it if we ate kitty," she said.
I'm wondering just how far she'd want to take that logic. Lynchings was a part of southern culture, but that was still illegal. Someone claiming that such a heinous act was excusable as southern culture would be run out of town.

This is the same logic. I guess Whoopi felt the need to take whatever Rosie did and go twice as crass. No better way to make a splash on such a vapid show than to open mouth and insert both feet on the first day to get people talking about the show.

Well, defending a convicted felon who engaged in dog fighting because it was cultural fits that bill.

Thanks to Killgore Trout at LGF, we find DKossers are busy defending Whoopi.

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