Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Spouses Making Impact On 2008 Elections

I can't say that I've seen anything quite like this before. We've been increasingly seeing the spouses of prospective candidates for President entering the fray and issuing statements of making statements to the press slamming other candidates with increasing fury and vigor.

All in the name of soundbites.

I've said it before that I believed that Elizabeth Edwards was behaving far more like a candidate than her husband John Edwards, but Michelle Obama taking on the Clintons over Hillary's inability to deal with Bill's indiscretions strikes me as being just wrong.

Some people might think that such attacks are fair game considering that we should know as much about candidates, their personal backgrounds, and missteps as possible. However, who exactly are we electing?

Are we electing the person on the ballot or the spouse? Should that really play a role? No doubt that it does play a role, but that the spouses are getting deeply involved is in contrast to prior elections, where the spouses stayed on the sidelines to avoid becoming the story.

Here, it would seem that the spouses are going out of their way to become the story.

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