Friday, August 03, 2007

The Battle For Ground Zero, Part 239

In a bit of good news, Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I), who previously refused to permit 9/11 families access to Ground Zero because of safety concerns, appears willing to compromise over how families of 9/11 victims can visit Ground Zero to leave remembrances or flowers at the site. It appears that they will be able to proceed to the bedrock along a service road at the edge of the work site. One has to wonder why this wasn't addressed months ago or why Bloomberg was so adamant that the families couldn't visit the site for the memorial when an alternative/compromise was available. Still, this will remain an issue each year until the construction at Ground Zero is completed on the Memorial. That will be in 2009 at the earliest.

Construction at the site and the rest of Lower Manhattan is accelerating as planning gives way to actual construction.

The construction trades are going to be benefitting tremendously from all the work, and Gothamist has more on how much work will exist based on the plans for Ground Zero and other high profile projects around the City. Some trades, like metalworkers will be in short supply for several years because of the confluence of major steelwork being erected simultaneously. The reports were put together by the LMCCC.

Gothamist also points out that renderings of the Freedom Tower lobby have been released, and their harken back to the light filled lobbies of the original Twin Towers.

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