Thursday, July 19, 2007

Prewalking To Declaring

If you're a commuter who uses the subway or train regularly, you're familiar with the concept. You simply queue at the point where the subway or train is expected to stop and you're closest to your destination.

Well, it looks like Fred Thompson is familiar with the concept as well. He's letting it be known that he's going to declare his candidacy for President in 2008 over the Labor Day weekend.

He's been letting everyone know that he's intent upon running for some time now. This just helps get his name out there without actually running. It gives him more time to prepare his campaign for the tough slog ahead, and to get his ducks in a row.

It also gives him the opportunity to poach from other faltering campaigns - see McCain, John.

Pollsters have already been counting him in the various poll scenarios, so his actual entry isn't exactly a surprise. He's not going to sneak up on anyone, nor should anyone be surprised at stories coming out slamming him for some position he took in the past that differs from his current stance.

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