Monday, June 11, 2007

Obligatory Sopranos Recap

For all those who haven't figured it out by now and haven't listened to any news since last night, the Sopranos came to an end on HBO. I am assuming that most people know that it wasn't exactly the satisfying end that everyone had hoped for.

I can't say that I'm surprised that David Chase and the writers couldn't figure out an appropriate end to the show. Ending a popular show with a proper sendoff is one of the most difficult things to pull off. It happens only rarely.

MASH was one example of a proper sendoff. Cheers was another. Even one of the Bob Newhart shows did a good ending (making it appear that the entire show was really just a dream from a previous incarnation of a Bob Newhart show).

Well, watch this recap of the entire series:

If you want to know how the show ended, just imagine dead air after the clip ends. There you have it.

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