Did she or didn't she get work done? That's the big question being posed by so many newspapers, bloggers and pundits.
I think it's completely and utterly irrelevant. It's a cosmetic change that does nothing to improve her position on what really matters - the issues.
Are we so vain that we have to have our candidates doll themselves up and nip and tuck so that they appear pleasing? Do their positions on the issues even matter? Or does the guy (or gal) with the best hair win?
The fact is that Hillary's cosmetic changes do nothing to dispel the problems with her stance on many key issues. She's still fighting an uphill battle to dispel fears among the anti-war left that she'll continue fighting the war in Iraq. She's got to try and pull the wool over the eyes of the rest of voters by weaseling out of her positions on socializing medicine and massive tax increases.
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