Friday, June 08, 2007

Anti War Sock Puppet Pleads Guilty

Jesse MacBeth, the cretinous individual who claimed to be a member of the US Armed Forces and was used by the rabid anti-war leftists to further their own goals, has entered a guilty plea for lying about his military record.

Well, simply put, he had no military record because he washed out before he could complete basic training. All of those photos of him in a military uniform were bogus, and he lied about having been in the military, having served in Iraq, and having killed people in cold blood and/or in combat situations while as a member of the US Army Rangers:
Jesse MacBeth stoked opposition to the Iraq war in 2006 when he spoke out about atrocities he committed as a U.S. Army Ranger serving as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

MacBeth, 23, of Tacoma, claimed to have killed more than 200 people, many at close range, some as they prayed in a mosque. He spoke at an anti-war rally in Tacoma and appeared in a 20-minute anti-war video that circulated widely on the Internet.

Trouble is, none of MacBeth's claims was true. He made it through only six weeks of Army basic training, was never a Ranger and never set foot in Iraq.

Conservative bloggers exposed MacBeth's lies in May 2006, destroying his credibility and embarrassing the Seattle company that produced the video about his exploits.

MacBeth's comeuppance continued Thursday, when he pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Seattle to one count of making false statements to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
He was exposed as a fraud, and yet there were those in the anti-war left that continued to believe in the adage of fake but accurate. The only problem is that the military's own records proved him to be a complete and utter fraud. At that point the anti-war movement disowned the guy, and he soon came to the attention of the VA, which found he was trying to get services from the VA despite not being a member of the military.

HT: Jammie Wearing Fool.

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