Friday, May 25, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend 2007

I was trying to think of some way to honor those who have given their lives for our country, and while I think the following photo provides the kind of introspective reminder of how personal the loss is of those who fought and died for our country, we also need to remember the ongoing sacrifices made to keep our nation safe. With that in mind, I've posted a number of clips showing some of our nation's finest soldiers, sailors, and Marines doing precision maneuvers with either their rifles or in their aircraft.

Taken at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial 3/2005.

The US Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon

The US Navy Blue Angels

The US Air Force Thunderbirds

The US Army Silent Drill Team

Blackfive does a far better job of writing about Memorial Day than I did. (HT Confederate Yankee)

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