Thursday, May 24, 2007

Corzine PSA: I Should Be Dead

Gov. Corzine has released a new public service address that goes to the heart of driving without a seatbelt. He could have died. He should have died but for the heroic efforts of his doctors and rescue personnel who saved him from the massive injuries sustained when he wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was involved in a high speed car crash.
"I'm New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, and I should be dead," Corzine says in the spot.

In the 30-second video released early this morning, Corzine recounts his April 12 traffic accident and how his injuries could have been reduced or prevented with a simple act -- buckling up.

"I have to live with my mistake. You don't," Corzine tells viewers before walking out of the frame on crutches.

That's the kind of powerful message that I had hoped the Governor would send after his accident. It's nice to see that he's making something good out of a really bad situation and might save someone else's life by scaring them into wearing seat belts while driving - either as the driver or as a passenger.


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