Friday, April 13, 2007

Saudis Spreading Anti-Israel Rumors Again

This time, they're claiming that Israelis are tainting melons with the AIDS virus to infect people who consume them.
"Beware of Israeli melons infected with AIDS arriving in Saudi Arabia!" is the latest rumor being spread throughout Saudi Arabia like a wildfire.

An SMS message being sent around the country this week said, "The Saudi Interior Ministry warns its citizens of a truck loaded with AIDS infected melons that Israel brought into the country via a 'ground corridor.'"

The Interior Minister's spokesman General Mansour al Turki responded to news of the message and made it clear to a-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper that the Ministry "did not issue any such announcement. This is just a rumor."

This is not the first rumor to spread through the country recently. Just last month another rumor had it that sweets containing carcinogenic flour were being sold in many stores.
Another day, another blood libel by the not so Magic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Others blogging: Meryl Yourish and Hot Air.

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