Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Random Hits

Ace links to an interesting rethink of the 2001 anthrax attacks. The FBI has been unable to solve the case, and maybe there's an explanation that brings together key details.

The basic premise is that the anthrax attacks were part and parcel of the al Qaeda attacks on the country in 2001, and that they used weapons grade anthrax obtained from a foreign country, who upon seeing what had been wrought, realized that if the links could be traced all the way back to them, that it would mean their doom. So, that foreign country embarked on a program to destroy their anthrax stocks and all other similar evidence.

The foreign nation involved? Iraq.

I know, that sounds way too convenient and Occam's Razor might have a few questions for this theory. It has all the makings of a conspiracy theory all to its own. Still, there has been quite a bit of evidence over the years that various terrorist attacks against the US have not been as thoroughly investigated as they should have been, including following up on possible foreign assistance - see the 1993 WTC bombing and the OKC bombing.

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