Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mugrabi Gate Construction Video

Thanks to Charles at LGF for posting the video showing the construction at Mugrabi (Rambam) Gate and its relationship to the Temple Mount.

The video is clearer than the photos and text I've put together over the past couple of weeks to highlight that this work is done outside the Temple Mount. Normally, this kind of video should put to rest all the nonsensical ravings of the moonbats and Islamists, but we know better.

They'll continue braying in the hope that the rioting and demonstrations will cow the Israelis into stopping the work.

The irony of it all is that the work is designed to improve access to the Temple Mount where the al Aqsa mosque is located. Had the Israelis not worked on this area and it collapsed again or collapsed while people were in the area, the Islamists would be complaining that the Israelis weren't keeping the area safe and secure. They want to have it both ways, and of course the media is more than willing to carry the Islamists' water.

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