Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Giuliani Takes On Gore and the Global Warming Crew

Rudy Giuliani is coming under fire for giving the hint that he's bought into the global warming hysteria. I think he's got a plan up his sleeve. He's going to force the global warming environuts to come up with more than just doom and gloom hysteria.

Solutions. He wants to see solutions. Simply braying that the sky is falling is insufficient. What tangible things are they calling for that will supposedly solve the problem of global warming? Are they feasible? Can they be achieved without bankrupting countries (namely the US)?

Al Gore doesn't have any answers. He doesn't even have solid science on which he can rest his assumptions. Oh, did I mention assumptions? Because that's all he's working on. Global warming is based on assumptions that the sample size that the scientists and computer models are sufficient to determine a pattern that the planet is warming.

Simply put, there are too many variables and energy inputs into the planetary climate to be able to predict what will happen 100 years into the future. Models do not take into account solar output differentials or cosmic rays, all of which produce more energy in a day. Indeed, we benefit from solar warming every day - note how the temperature generally rises when the sun comes up over the horizon and falls once it sets. If solar output drops by even a fraction of a percent, what will that do to temperatures? What if the output drops randomly? Spikes randomly?

Still, there are good reasons to limit pollution - particulates and other emissions can and do cause medical ailments and degrade the environment. They can and should be limited because of those reasons, not on the basis of assumptions resting on incomplete science.

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