Saturday, February 24, 2007

Brooklyn Democrat Boss Convicted

Former Democrat political boss Clarence Norman, Jr. was convicted yesterday. Again.
rooklyn's Democratic ex-boss Clarence Norman was once again caught with his snout in the trough yesterday when a jury nailed him for shaking down a judicial candidate for more than $20,000.

A panel of eight women and four men deliberated nearly three days before hammering the former assemblyman on third-degree grand larceny and two other misdemeanors.

Although the jury acquitted the one-time county Democratic chair man of three other felonies and two misdemeanors, Norman still faces up to seven years in prison when he's sentenced in April.

That's in addition to the two to six years to which he's already been sentenced on two previous campaign finance convictions.
Norman used to head up the very powerful Brooklyn Democrats but came under fire for various corrupt practices and dealings, including extortion and influence peddling. He was taking money from the Brooklyn Democratic Party and giving it to political cronies.

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