Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Low Wattage From New York Times

It's nice to see that the New York Times ran a piece on how Wal Mart is going to push the compact flourescent light bulbs over the traditional incandescents. James Joyner isn't too impressed with the whole move, which is a departure for Wal Mart's vision of providing the goods that people want at low cost. Compact flourescents aren't exactly wanted because they don't light nearly as well as incandescents though the energy usage is less.

However, the Times is late to this story, as it was picked up by Fast Company back in August. More here. Instapundit picked up the story in August but didn't find it curious that the Times was nearly four six months behind in reporting this development.

Fixed the dates - since the story was picked up by Instapundit August 31, 2006.

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