Friday, January 05, 2007

Iran Lifts Veil On Nuclear Intentions

Iran says that they could pursue nuclear weapons if threatened.
Iran's chief nuclear envoy Ali Larijani said on Friday that Iran is committed to the peaceful use of nuclear technology but warned the situation could change if his country is threatened.

"We oppose obtaining nuclear weapons and we will peacefully use nuclear technology under the framework of the Nonproliferation Treaty, but if we are threatened, the situation may change," He told a news conference after two days of talks in Beijing.
And I could use recreational root canal. The Iranians seem to have no problem lifting the veil from their true intentions. They keep issuing threats to destroy Israel, the US, and their enemies in general. They support terrorists in Gaza, Lebanon, and the insurgents in Iraq. They're supporting jihadis and extremists, but if we threaten to hold them accountable for their actions, we're supposed to be the ones who will push them to develop nukes.

Yeah, nicely played.

And if Iran gets nuclear weapons, look for Egypt to follow suit. I'd expect Saudi Arabia to join as well. If the Shi'ites in Iran get a nuclear weapon, the Sunnis will be sure to follow.

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