The annual train wreck otherwise known as the American Idol audition sessions has resumed to huge ratings. People must really love the wreckage and carnage imposed by the singular lack of talent that the producers have culled from all the interviews and auditions.
These shows are so cringeworthy that Mrs. Lawhawk who watches the show even has to flip channels away from the show. Yet, she, like millions of other folks, turn right back to see who can be even worse than those who came before.
Personally, if I had to choose between watching static or the audition shows, I'll choose static. There's something comforting about white noise. Those few auditions I heard from the other room? Getting root canal sounds more pleasant.
And for the record, if someone tells you that you have no business being on stage because your voice sounds like a dryer full of nuts and bolts, take their advice and find something else to do with your time. Or put your tape on YouTube and impress your friends (if you have any left after they hear your sonic assault).
Technorati: american idol.
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