Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumsfeld Resigns

Rumsfeld has submitted his letter of resignation. That's the word on the street. If true, here's one possible outcome: Joe Lieberman gets nominated to replace him, leaving Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell (R) to select Lieberman's replacement for the seat. Considering that the GOP needs every seat in the Senate with the way the election turned out, this might be the way to save the situation in the Senate.

Rumsfeld was the focus of ire by the Left - and he bore the brunt of the criticism on how the US dealt with the post-invasion situation in Iraq. He led the US military through some difficult times, and the shrinking size of the military will be an ongoing issue for not only the remainder of the Bush Administration but for years to come.

Modernization of equipment isn't enough. Withdrawing from Iraq and other committments isn't going to improve the US security posture. A larger and more efficient military is just the start. Don't look for any of that to happen in the next two years as Democrats have shown themselves to be opposed to increasing military expenditures.

The Rumsfeld fighting style has finally met its match. No one could contain it, let alone stop it, not even Darth Rove.

Bush is nominating Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, to succeed Rumsfeld. I think that's a mistake, especially with the potential to sway events in the Senate.

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