Friday, November 10, 2006

Rangel to Mississippi: Drop Dead

“Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?” Mr. Rangel said.

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) is likely to head the House Ways and Means Committee. He's going to decide just what money is appropriated in the new session.

Lots of class, that Charlie Rangel. Whatever kudos he got for telling [T]hugo Chavez off after calling the President a devil is gone. Rangel wants to be able to say those kinds of things exclusively. He's already said as much about Dick Cheney. And he's planning on saying drop dead to the military.

Now, after realizing that he's made a serious gaffe of his own, Rangel is trying to backtrack.

This is exactly the kind of thing people on the Gulf Coast don't need right now as they're still trying to put back together their lives after Katrina. Mississippi was among the most devastated part of the Gulf Coast - taking the brunt of Katrina's wrath. Entire towns were wiped off the map.

GOP and the City has more.

Mississippi Congressman Chip Pickering (R) calls for Rangel to apologize. Good luck with that.

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