Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fear and Loathing of Scantily Clad Women

Islamists fear and loath naked women far more than anything else.
Alleged terror leader Abu Bakar Bashir said TV shows featuring scantily clad women were more harmful than the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings that killed 202 people, the state news agency reported.

Bashir, recently released from jail after serving 26 months for conspiracy in the bombings, said images of naked or semi-naked woman on television were sinful and chipped away at the moral fiber of Muslim believers.

"So, if I am asked which is more dangerous, naked women or the Bali bombs, then my reply is of course those women in skimpy clothes," Antara quoted him as saying at a public rally calling for the imposition of Islamic law in Indonesia.
Never mind the bombings and thousands killed by the Islamic terrorists in the name of their religion. The fact that there are scantily clad women running about is far more harmful.

Okaily dokily. Anyone want to defend this on moral or ethical ground? I sure as heck can't. The equivalence between seeing naked/scantily clad women and condoning suicide bombings and mass casualty attacks is appalling.

Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont HighPhoebe Cates, as seen in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, who isn't only just a stunner, but Jewish. Take that tough guy!

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