Sunday, August 06, 2006

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire

Well, where there's smoke, there's fire. Lots more images purportedly taken by Adnan Hajj are being examined by bloggers, and lo and behold, some are not holding up to closer inspection. Whether they're sweetened by adding or moving details, photo editing, or otherwise altering the scene as it was found, Hajj is engaging in unethical behavior at best. Some might call this piling on. I think it's sign of something more damaging - the reputations of the media organizations who rely upon local stringers for their reporting from the Middle East.

Rusty at the Jawa Report notes problems with a photo whose caption is clearly wrong but the photo has issues all its own.

Dan Riehl has a daily double - taking out not only Hajj, but a couple of earlier stories about Lebanese casualties purportedly about Israeli airstrikes against Red Cross vehicles. Actually, Dan could start a cottage industry of Reuters debunking all on his lonesome, just start at the top and keep scrolling.

Keep checking in with the heavy hitters for more details: Ace, Hot Air, and Charles at LGF.

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