Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Seattle Shooter Charges With Nine Felony Counts

While the media seem to be focused on Mel Gibson for his anti-Semitic statements, Naveed Haq has been charged with nine felony counts, including one count of aggravated murder, five counts of attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary, and the state's hate crime law for targeting a Jewish group in Seattle. Ace wonders about the media attention on Gibson as compared to Haq thusly:
Why is it that most people were convinced Mel Gibson was antisemitic when he said antisemitic things, and yet there are some who aren't quite sure that Haq acted out of Muslim terrorist/jihadist Jew-hatred despite the fact he said, pretty much, "I am a Muslim terrorist/jihadist and I hate Jews," and then, in case you weren't quite convinced by his mere declarations (which could be self-serving puffery, I grant), started, in fact, shooting up a group of Jewish women, one of them pregnant?
It really is a mystery.

Michelle Malkin has more.

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