Wednesday, July 19, 2006

India Banning Bloggers

India is taking after its big neighbor to the distant north - China - in banning blogs. As many of my readers know, I can't stand restraints on free speech, and India is making a huge mistake here.

And it's not just because one of the blogs banned is The Jawa Report, to whom I frequently link and post on. Dr. Shackleford notes in an email:
My website has been banned in India.

India has banned a number of websites by domain, but has only singled out 11 websites by name, including this one. Among American websites, all are connected in some way to The Jawa Report.

Why did India ban this website? And what is the larger meaning of this action? We have a post about it here. Whether you agree with my analysis or not, we, those who have been singled out by the world's largest democracy as targets of censorship, could use the support right now.

My post:

Indians have already begun to protest this action by their government.
We hope you will do the same.
It really does boggle the mind at how and why India thinks banning blogs that highlight the depravities of Islamists is a good thing. People must know the truth behind the thugs who slaughter thousands without a moment's thought all in the name of Allah.

I stand with the Jawa Report in deploring and castigating India for banning blogs - and the Indian people from seeing these blogs. I too am cognizant of the fact that India is playing a very delicate balancing act with its sizeable Islamic population, not to mention Pakistan next door. However, if they think that banning blogs will somehow prevent the next Islamic terrorist blowing up a train, they'll be sadly mistaken.

The Islamists need no provocation other than the very existence of non-Muslims to engage in jihad. And for telling it like it is - and making fun of the very people who are busy blowing stuff up around the world in the name of Islam, The Jawa Report was banned in India.

What India's action say is that they'll ban bloggers who tell the unvarnished truth about the world around them. Not a good move for the world's largest democracy.

Others standing by The Jawa Report and calling on India to reverse its position include: Michelle Malkin, Ed Morrissey (who has background on the banning by the Indian government), Ace of Spades, Junkyard Blog, In the Bullpen, and Blogs of War.

Paul at Wizbang is annoyed that they didn't make the cut. Try harder guys. As will I.

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