Saturday, April 08, 2006

Upon Further Review

The New York Daily News editorial page from Friday, April 7, 2006 [can't locate the link, so if you can track down the piece, please leave the link in the comments] suggested the same thing that I did back on March 31, 2006, when the McKinney kerfuffle first broke. To refresh your recollection:
So, here's what I think. Rep. McKinney should be arrested, tried, and if found guilty, should be forced to do the time.

More importantly, the courtesy extended to members of Congress for avoiding searches through the metal detectors should be eliminated. There's no reason to take any chances, and it eliminates the problems that McKinney claims were at the heart of the disputed events yesterday.
Nice to see that the Daily News come around to the same conclusion that I reached a week after I first made that observation.

Eric at Speak Speak who was also quoted by the National Journal Hotline offers a slightly different take - he thinks that:
...there should be locked turnstile where Congresspersons line up, and get buzzed through as they show their ID.
I don't think that goes far enough, as all bags should be checked upon entry in the Capitol and other federal office buildings, but it would likely be route that the Capitol Police take.

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