Thursday, April 20, 2006

Questioning the Timing

Michelle Malkin is. So is Confederate Yankee. Why would the DHS conduct a series of raids on illegal immigration now? The timing is surely curious. Not that taking such action isn't overdue because it is. However, it appears that political considerations are taking precedence over national security. And that's a bipartisan scandal that has gone on for too long with respect to illegal immigration and border control. Yes, these raids are being conducted now under the DHS and the Bush Administration - and the timing is quite likely to assuage GOPers who were concerned about border control, but the inaction by the government for decades on both sides of the aisle provides the context.

These raids should be the norm, not the exception.

Iowa Voice notes that the Minutemen are back in the news. They want the feds to build a wall along the border, and if the feds don't, they will.

Others covering the raids on illegal aliens and businesses that were hiring said illegals: Memeorandum, Balloon Juice, and California Yankee.

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