Monday, April 17, 2006

Pulitzers Honor Those Who Report...

... using information that was quite likely based on leaks of classified information. In other words, criminal activities that are considered good leaks because they undermine the Administration's ability to act and those reporters should be honored for their actions. Bad leaks are the kind that the Administration does to protect itself and show that its actions were correct and those reporters should be prosecuted and forced to reveal their sources.

So who were the winners? Is it any surprise that Risen won a Pulitzer on his NSA story though does that come with a subpoena, indictment, and handcuffs?
Dana Priest of The Washington Post has won the Pulitzer Prize for beat reporting on secret prisons and the government's counterterrorism campaign.

James Risen and Eric Lichtblau of The New York Times and the staffs of the San Diego Union-Tribune and Copley News Service have won the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting.
The other winners can be found here. So how did I do in predicting the outcome of the Pulitzer prizes this year? Mixed. At least I got the Times Picayune and Sun Herald awards right. And I thought it would be funny that Risen would win - and watch the ensuing blogswarm on who was picked and analyzing the decision (a self fulfilling prophesy?). Well, I got that part right, even if I didn't pick him to win. Don Surber did a little better.

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