Monday, April 10, 2006

Immigrant Song and Dance Routine

Illegal aliens are demonstrating around the country, including in New York City, where the demonstration is scheduled to start at 3PM EDT. They're marching and waving banners and protesting the possibility that US law might actually be applied to them. You know, the part about having to actually enter the country legally and reasserting the fact that those who failed to enter the US legally are here illegally.

Many of these people want to be known as hardworking and honest folk. Many of them are hardworking, and many don't engage in criminal activities once they're in the US, but they're still criminals in violation of federal law. This isn't a distinction without a difference. These people may not break any laws once they're in the US, but their very presence in the US is illegal - by not declaring themselves upon entry to the US and seeking the relevant immigration status. This particular distinction is crucial to national security, border control, and down to the essence of sovereignty.

It's a difficult concept to attempt to grasp, but that's also why so many illegal alien rights groups call themselves undocumented workers' groups. Conflating terms and hiding the true status of these people is part and parcel of the immigrant song and dance routine that we're witnessing in the US.

While some of these groups are truly concerned about immigrant rights, others have far more nefarious intentions. Some of the demonstrations are actually organized by ANSWER, a socialist front group, whose policies are tied to the overthrow of the US, not just clamoring for more rights for illegal aliens.

Confederate Yankee cites to The Princess Bride in taking on the task of separating the wheat from the chaff:
To borrow from Inigo Montoya in The Princes Bride, "I do not think that word means what they thinks it means."
And are Democrats exploiting illegal aliens to gain prospective voters? That wouldn't exactly surprise me, but the pandering on this issue is obscene on both sides of the aisle.

And that's part of the problem. No one appears in Congress appears to have the numbers necessary to be willing or able to stand up to all the interest groups arrayed on either side of the issue and pass comprehensive reform that actually deals with the issues instead of offering puff pieces and 'guest worker' plans that are nothing more than amnesty in sheep's clothes.

The thing is, I know that at some point there will need to be some kind of amnesty at the end of the day, but that should come after border control is actually made the key issue. Control the border and work from there. Get Democrats to agree to first funding and building the fence, along with the requisite staffing concerns for border security, and then offer them a form of guest worker program/amnesty to those who are already here.

The fence will go a long way to deterring and preventing illegal entry to the US. That change should come along with a streamlining of the guest worker pass for legal crossings into the US for guest workers.

Only after this program has been implemented should the next phase, which is dealing with the illegal immigrants already here, be addressed.

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