Friday, April 07, 2006

Going After DHS With Both Barrels

I've harshly criticized DHS in the past (see here and here), as doing nothing to actually improve homeland security in the past, but Michelle Malkin has taken it to a whole new level. And she uses the incompetence and bureaucratic failures to bolster her opinion that the immigration bills being considered by Congress be scrapped.
The mess at DHS stands as Towering Reason Number One to oppose the Senate's border security sellout. For the last four years, I've reported repeatedly on the immigration bureaucracy's inability to enforce our laws and protect the American public--let alone protect its own employees and police itself.

Leadership positions under the Bush administration's pre-9/11 INS and post-9/11 DHS have been filled by cronies with little or no experience in immigration law and immigration enforcement.
This situation has got to be corrected, and the sooner the better - and that cuts across political lines as well. The Democrats were no better at immigration control than Republicans - as they stocked the INS in the 1990s with their own folks. One would have hoped that the DHS/INS reorganization would have fixed problems, but all it did was rearrange the deck chairs. That's not solving the problem. It's paying lip service.

And someone is going to have a blood lip (or worse) should we be attacked again via the same vulnerabilities that existed pre-9/11.

Others blogging the DHS debacle: Tel Chai Nation, Coalition of the Swilling, and updated as needed.

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