Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Clinton Triangulation On Dubai Ports World Deal?

Who knew - triangulating on the ports deal would mean Bill trying to help get the deal through and Hillary opposing the deal, and likely knowing that the deal will eventually go through.

It's truly a dangerous game those two are playing.

And it's quite dangerous for national security. Does this change anything? Not really. The security concerns are the same as it was before this bit of information came to light.

However, it once again calls into question former President Clinton's judgment, not to mention Hillary's actions in this whole affair.
Mr Clinton’s spokesman said: “President Clinton is the former president of the US and as such receives many calls from world leaders and leading figures every week. About two weeks ago, the Dubai leaders called him and he suggested that they submit to the full and regular scrutiny process and that they should put maximum safeguards and security into any port proposal.”

He added that Mr Clinton supported his wife’s position on the deal and that "ideally" state-owned companies would not own US port operations.

Mr Clinton’s contact with Dubai on the issue underscores the relationship he has developed with the United Arab Emirates since leaving office. In 2002, he was paid $300,000 (€252,000) to address a summit in Dubai.
All that was happening while Hillary was busy opposing the deal in Congress. Curious. Very curious.

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