Monday, February 27, 2006

The Bob Owens Interview

Things must be looking up at the Washington Post when they run an interview with blogger Bob Owens who runs the Confederate Yankee website. Congrats to Bob.

Congrats on the bigtime media mention. And this question that Bob asked himself is most enlightening:
Question: What makes your thoughts and opinions more correct or valuable than mine or someone else's?
Answer: Thoughts and opinions only have the value a reader assigns to it. On matters of fact, I try to establish credibility by doing research the reader may not have time to conduct on his own, and in matters of opinion, I try to offer a reasonable level of support for my position. Whether you are a Pulitzer-winning journalist or a Weblog Award nominee, your value comes from your credibility and your ability to substantiate what you say, and your ability to admit and correct mistakes.
I've got to wonder just how some of the big-name journalists would answer that question.

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