Thursday, January 19, 2006

This Is Rich

Sen. Hillary Clinton is calling the Bush Administration on the carpet for downplaying the Iranian threat and deferring to the Europeans for the past couple of years on negotiating with Iran to abandon its nuclear program. Last time I checked, I failed to see any coherent policy emenanting from the Democratic party or any of its leadership. They want to see additional dialogue, wishful thinking that negoiations will solve the problem despite all evidence to the contrary, and consistently undermining the Administration on Iraq, which makes US action against Iran more difficult. Oh, and there's the small fact that the Democrats wanted the Administration to be more multilateral and defer to international opinion and groups like the UN and EU. So, Hillary is essentially blaming the Administration for taking Democratic Party advice and stepping back on the Iran issue and letting other entities handle matters. Curious.

Sen. Clinton is correct in one respect though. Iran is a huge threat. And the big media is downplaying that fact as well. They want nuclear weapons, aren't shy about their intentions to use them, and have expressed a desire to start armageddon to fulfill some religious beliefs held by their leadership.

Michelle Malkin also notes Hillary's comments, and may have to buy a new computer screen as a result. Thoughts Online wonders whether Hell has frozen over. It hasn't.

And this suddenly hard stance on Iran isn't going to win Hillary any fans among the hard Left, who she needs to woo in an attempt to win the Democratic Party nomination in 2008. However, it will help burnish her creditials among the moderates who might consider voting for her in the general elections. Hillary's position on Iran and Iraq are quite calculated to position her going forward in 2008.

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