Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Scurrying Begins

Jack Abramoff's guilty plea arrangement has sent Members of Congress scurrying in a massive CYA operation. Even the White House has taken it upon itself to give monies linked to Abramoff to charity. Lots of politicians on both side of the aisle are wondering whether their campaigns took money from tainted Abramoff funds. In particular, New York's Congressional delegation has a bunch of members who took money from Abramoff, his associates and the casions they represented.

Some are giving the money back or donating it to charity.

Others aren't.

Guess who isn't giving the money back.

Charles Rangel. Democrat. Yes, that Charles Rangel. The one who's been in Congress since 1971 and is the fourth ranking member in the House.

But Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel of Harlem, the New Yorker who received the largest amount from Abramoff clients at $36,000, intends to keep the money and a Rangel spokesman said Wednesday that Abramoff's guilty pleas do not affect the congressman's decision.
As if he really needs the money? More to the point, what does this say about the scandal surrounding Abramoff and his ties to various Republicans? Is Rangel doing this to take the heat off of all of Congress or is he simply too stupid to realize that he could go down with Abramoff and the others implicated? What is his angle and why is he making this stand at this time when everyone else seems to be distancing themselves from anything having to do with Abramoff?

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